Tips to make your RV family vacation memorable, maybe a rental?

Margaret Craig-Bourdin | gls55 holdings ltd An RV vacation can be daunting to plan for first-timers, but a little foresight can go a long way How can you combine the thrill of the open road with the convenience and comfort of home—all while playing games with your kids and singing along to tunes on the way? The answer is RVing, of course. Not only does this vacation choice let you discover the world as a family, but it also lets you do it without unpacking several suitcases every night. No wonder it’s a winner with travelers such as Chad Davis, CPA, a Halifax resident, and co-founder of LiveCA. He took an RV trip with his wife and kids one summer and they liked it so much, they decided to take an extended trip across North America. For all of its appeal, however, an RV vacation can be daunting to plan for first-timers. Aren’t these vehicles expensive? How do you rent one? Where do you stay? To take the edge off the planning process, we’ve gathered s...